Oct 8, 2011

Why Death Is So Remorseful

Why Death Is Remorseful!!!
Just past few days ago we dedicated 15 entire days to our ancestors, forefathers and the dead related to us in the form of 'Shrad'. We aimed to pacify their souls and get their blessings and moreover feared the curse that may lay upon us through our fore figure souls. The culture, the rituals and our beliefs all make us to do so. One day I was seeing a wagon carrying a dead body draped in white and decorated with garland and flowers. The dead had no place except the floor though it was all in new and clean while the rest were not. It was a moment of sad departure of a life which is an extreme contradiction to our usual happy bid adieus and departures with our loved one. We wish them goodbyes, blessings, happiness, gifts and kisses. 

Every living creature react in the same way for the death of their loved ones. The animals, birds, mammals and every evolved species who can express and react mourn and grieve over death. At every spot of death departure there is silence of grief, fires and cremations with tears, remorse and agony with cries, gathering and bid-adieu. The death and soul are always a part of question in mind and fear in heart. 

Nobody wants to die and we all fear death. Poisonous animals like snakes, lizards, scorpion, fish, frogs, spiders have armors as venom to protect from their predators and causing their death. Camouflage in some animals  like chameleon, birds, insects, moths, fish etc are the preventive measure provided by nature to save them from every reason causing their death. Even the nature prevents them from being killed as if it remorse their death on this earth and gives everyone a chance to live and survive. 

Live and Survive!!!!! The two words gasps my breath hard and fervent. Though we all fear death still in human  dictionary we get the guts to call 'Suicide' a cowards attempt. The Irony to still await and stand, the attempt to reach death and surpassing its fear is not appreciable at all. Every religion, law and thoughts have denied the attempt towards death. The answers lies in the two former words i used that gasped my breath " To live and survive".

One of the 3 things that changed the Life of Siddharth and made him to become a monk was 'Death'. Young son of a king saw the instance of poverty, illness and death when he stepped out of his palatial and luxurious palaces and made him realize the truth of life and leaded his journey towards finding answers to these questions raised in his soul as a saint. 

We all reach thousands of questions and beliefs in the name of death in our life and we gain and share numerous experiences till we ourselves face the ultimate fearful truth. Inspite of being the ultimate truth of life, knowing that we all are born to die one day. We do and we will remorse and fear death in our lives.